The Sustainable Development Goals are about peace: world peace, peace within states and an enriched concept of democracy which includes strong institutions, social inclusion of the most vulnerable population groups and especially gender equality (SDG 5), justice and the democratic accountability of officials (SDG 16).
χωρίς φτώχεια και πείνα
The SDG address how people can live without hunger or poverty, have access to clean water and enjoy sanitation, good health and education (SDG 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6)
από την υποβάθμιση
The goal of reversing climate change is obvious and cannot be subordinated to the modern habits of populations, especially in developed countries (SDGs 7 and 12). Action to protect flora and fauna, including life on land and in the sea, is a priority (SDGs 13, 14 and 15).
Economic, social and technological progress must be pursued in harmony with nature, in which all people must live in harmony, enjoying material well-being and satisfaction with their lives.
των Στόχων
The 17 SDGs are closely linked and the achievement of one cannot be at the expense of the others. Those involved in the achievement of the objectives do not act alone, but work together to achieve the objectives (SDG 17). They create or revitalise stable partnerships, claims coalitions, networks. Without partnerships, the implementation of the Goals will falter.
Goal of the project
Να ενισχύσει τη δικτύωση και τη συνεργασία μεταξύ οργανώσεων της ΚΠ και κρατικών φορέων για την αποτελεσματική ενεργοποίηση και εργαλειοποίηση των 17 Στόχων Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης (ΣΒΑ) στη χώρα μας.
Πατήστε πάνω σε κάθε έναν από τους 17 ΣΒΑ στη συνέχεια και θα δείτε τα Εθνικά Σχέδια Δράσης που αντιστοιχούν στον κάθε στόχο, καθώς και προγράμματα που υλοποιούν φορείς της Κοινωνίας Πολιτών σε όλη τη χώρα.

The 17 SDGs are closely linked and those involved in the achievement of the objectives create or revitalise stable partnerships, claims coalitions, networks.

The SDGs are about world peace, peace within states, democracy with strong institutions, social inclusion of the most vulnerable, justice and democratic accountability of officials (SDGs 5, 16).
The SDGs address how people can live without hunger or poverty, have access to clean water and enjoy sanitation, good health and education (SDG 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)

The goal of reversing climate change is obvious and cannot be subordinated to the modern habits of populations, especially in developed countries (SDGs 7, 12, 13, 14, 15).
Economic, social and technological progress must be pursued in harmony with nature, in which all people must live in harmony, enjoying material well-being and satisfaction with their lives.
If we do not put inequality at the heart of the global development agenda, we are doomed to failure.
Call to participate in the SDGs Network